Talking civics and advocacy on KTUH college radio

On May 30, 2021, DJ eOmni was gracious enough to invite me onto his Sunday morning KTUH college radio show “Know Thy Self” to talk about recent events in the Hawaiʻi civic and political arena, including the danger of proposed public funding cuts to the University of Hawaiʻi, the clear need for a minimum wage increase and the Navy's dereliction of duty on the ongoing Red Hill fuel tank leaks in Honolulu.

Then we get a little meta and talk about civics itself, and how getting involved in the policymaking process is the best cure for the disaster-capitalist blues.

About the thumbnail image: Taken in 2019 during the launch event for the Raise Up Hawaiʻi coalition campaign to raise the minimum wage. // Will Caron

Will Caron

Award-winning illustrator, painter, cartoonist, photographer, editor & writer; former editor-in-chief of Summit magazine, The Hawaii Independent, INhonolulu & Ka Leo O Hawaiʻi. Current communications director for Hawaiʻi Appleseed Center.

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